Truth about depression for Christians

Let’s talk about depression, anxiety and Christians for a sec. In this quick read, I’ll give you 8 powerful truths I’ve learned (the hard way) for depressed Christians

Memories of struggling against anxiety, overwhelming sadness, fear and self loathing reach back as far as I can remember. I was raised in a loving, church-going family. My parents gave me a wonderful life. I understood the plan of Salvation at 7 and believed Jesus was my Savior. At 12 I gave my heart to Christ with a more mature understanding of what following Him meant.

After that, I fell more deeply in love with Jesus every day and through every season. But still, the fear and sadness crippled me sometimes. Still, I blamed myself for things that went wrong, things that cause me hurt, things that thwarted my ambitions, and all the other things that were out of my control. As a result, my shoulders ached from carrying the burden of my own emotions—and taking on too much responsibility for the emotions of others.

I prayed, I went to church, I professed Jesus with my heart and my lips. Still, the anxiety came and went. Still, depression cyclically set up camp in my heart. Things weren’t right.

Why Are So Many Christians Anxious and Depressed?

In January 2015 I was in the heart of a mental health crisis. Panic set in most nights. Racing, intrusive thoughts pushed their way into my mind, preventing the rest I needed so badly. One of the scariest thoughts that came to mind over and over is this one:

“You fail at everything. Even Salvation. If you’d done Salvation right, this wouldn’t be happening.”

Friend, I can’t tell you why I struggled so deeply. I can’t give you an easy fix. Shortly after those panicky nights in 2015 full healing began to take place. I’ve spent the years since retraining my brain to think differently, to sort out lies and live outside of the anxiety/depression cycle. There’s hope, there’s healing. However, I’ve spent time wondering “why me?” and “why do so many Christians experience anxiety and depression?”

I don’t have the answer now, and I probably never will. But here are some hard-won truths I can share with you.

Truths About Depression, For Christians

Experiencing depression and anxiety as a Christian doesn’t mean your faith is broken.
It doesn’t mean you aren’t faithful.
It doesn’t mean your salvation isn’t intact.
It doesn’t mean you prayed wrong.
It doesn’t mean you’ve done Christianity wrong.
It doesn’t mean God is punishing you.
It doesn’t mean God “designed” or “destined” you for sadness.
It doesn’t mean God isn’t good.

It means we have a very bad enemy who aims to thwart the Kingdom of Christ by inflicting isolation and sadness upon those who bear witness to His relational nature and unstoppable joy.

Do your best to get to the root of what is causing your fear and sadness. Talk to a counselor. Uproot lies. Get a clear understanding of God’s character.

We’ll never have all the answers, but we will always have all the Hope. Never forget that the God of the Bible, is at His core, a God of Hope.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

One More Thing…I Need a Favor

I need a favor.

Recently, I started penning sample chapters for a memoir detailing my experience with mental health crisis as a Christian and military spouse. YOUR help will get the book published. Your support demonstrates interest in this story and these words of hope.

Please take a moment to join me on Instagram, Facebook and via email (sign up below). Above all, thank you for being here and for your support. It’s an honor to share my testimony with you and excited to see the great things God does through your journey.


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