White Christmas Ball Denver{via 9News}

This year I’m celebrating my golden birthday.  28 on the 28th of December.  I know it hasn’t quite happened yet…but with a birthday that close to Christmas, I’m usually worn out, full of over eating, or on the road driving cross country on the actual day.  This year, this golden year, I was determined to make sure my birthday rocked.


I told Derek the only thing I wanted was tickets to the White Christmas Ball in Denver.  Yes, that’s an extravagant request.  But I wanted it so bad.  And, Derek is amazing.  So we went.  And it was fabulous.  The best party I’ve ever been to.  The best birthday gift I’ve ever gotten.


{It should be noted that photos being shared in this post were mostly not taken by me…as I was determined to enjoy the moment instead of documenting it.  You can click the images to go to their sources.  Most of them are from the fabulous Sheila Broderick Photography The ones that look really cruddy were–no doubt–taken on my phone.}


White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

You might be wondering what the White Christmas Ball is and how I came across it.  By now, you should know that I’m an expert at finding really fun things to do.  It’s just a knack I have.  When something amazing in mentioned to me, I file it away in my beady little brain and pull it out at just the right time.  In this case, I heard of this little ditty from a friend while we were shopping at Minot’s city wide garage sale.  She saw a 1940’s military cap and said it’d be perfect for the 1940’s Ball.  I have that moment, and Google to thank for getting me to Denver last weekend.


This event is actually an off shoot of the 1940’s Ball.  A non-profit summer event in Denver that celebrates the Greatest Generation with a…1940’s themed ball.  The White Christmas Ball is the winter side of things.  The 1940’s Ball is a nonprofit organization, whose proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project and the Spirit of Flight Center in Colorado.


White Christmas Ball Denver

Okay, back to the ball.  I think the thing I love most about this event is that it is attended by participators.  People who are willing to commit to the theme, come in era-appropriate dress, and have a great time.  As soon as we walked in to the venue, the atmosphere started to swallow me up.  The Christmas decor, the lighting, the 1000 guests all beautifully dressed, and the amazing live music threw off an aura of warm, cozy, Christmas fun just waiting to be had.


The even staff does a great job of making sure there is lots to see and do.  There is a vintage vendor fair, touting retro clothing and nostalgic memorabilia.  Food trucks with some of the best mac ‘n’ cheese I’ve ever consumed.  A huge dance floor.  Continual live music, only occasionally broken up by live entertainment.  Attire contests.  Photo stations.  Beautiful pro-photos from Cake and Knife Photography.  And when your feet are tired of dancing {or for those of us still nursing a somewhat bad back…} there was a movie theater that played White Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, and The Glenn Miller Story.


White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

My second favorite thing about this event is that it’s full of people who know how to have a good time.  They dance because they like it, not because they are peer pressured into it.  And no one needs to be drunk to make their way to the dance floor.  Was alcohol available?  Sure, but it wasn’t the center of the party.  I respect that.  I like that.  As a girl who never mixes drinking and dancing {my dancing is plenty crazy without the extra influence}, I love being surrounded by people who can have an uninhibited great time–and this party was full of them.  There were even a handful of WWII vets cutting a rug with pretty girls on the floor.  That’s an image I’ll never forget.


For those that weren’t up for dancing themselves, there were several great live performances to watch.  And wish you could move like that.  The group below, 23 Skidoo, rocked my world.

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

And what’s a White Christmas party without a few numbers from the movie?

White Christmas Ball Denver

White Christmas Ball Denver

At one point we stopped to take a photo with a Christmas Story vignette and a gal from 9News saw us.  She took this photo and put it up on the station’s website along with others from the night.

White Christmas Ball Denver{via 9News}

I really cannot say enough good things about the bands that played.  Amazing!  Just amazing.  Toward the end of the night Rat Pack impersonators did a set with the The Hot Tomatoes Dance Orchestra.  Hands down my favorite music of the night.  These guys were so perfect it was trippy.

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

The only thing that was a little off was this large, mustached man who appeared on stage with “Bing Crosby” and introduced himself as “Danny Kaye.”  I’m thinking there must have been some last minute change of plans…because he looked nothing like the limber, leggy, ginger we all know and love.



But really, who cares?  Because while they were on stage they did a balloon drop!

White Christmas Ball Denver{via Sheila Broderick}

Seriously this was an amazing night.  A night so good it made up for every disappointing, lackluster New Year’s Eve I’ve ever spent.  This is the greatest party I’ve ever been to.  And I’m convinced it’s the closest I’ll ever come to the real Columbia Inn in Pine Tree, VT.  So, thank you, thank you, thank you to the 1940’s Ball team for putting on such a great event.

White Christmas Ball Denver

White Christmas Ball Denver

And outside the venue–the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum–was a bedazzled B-52.  So…yeah…

White Christmas Ball


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