This week has been all about the Classroom Canvases I started on Monday.  Really…when doing four back to back to back it turns in to a weeklong project.  Which is fine by me, because I really do like doing them.  Well–I finally got them all finished up!  The kids did a fabulous job.  Top notch work, in my opinion.  And tonight I’m presenting to you the finished product.


classroom canvas

This is the first canvas I painted with the kids on Monday afternoon.  This was home to the class that yielded most of the hilarious comments I shared with you on Monday evening.


classroom canvas

I’m going to be honest.  I love this design.  Something about it reminds me of a stained glass window.  I’m so incredibly happy with the way it turned out. This one was painted by the other class I wrote about on Monday.


classroom canvas

The third class I painted with chose a Valentine’s Day theme.  I was stumped at first.  Indecisive on what to do.  I wanted it to be fun, but not too mushy or girly.  This is what I came up with.  It reminds me of a upended bag of elementary school Valentines.


classroom canvas

The final canvas of the week is a beach theme.  I enjoyed creating something that depicted warm, sunny weather, something we probably won’t see again–after this week’s heat wave–for a few more months.  It was while painting with this class that I got one of my all time favorite kid comments:  “You know, now that I think about it…knowing how to paint is a pretty important thing.”  Ya, know what?  It really is.


Let’s all remember that creativity is a skill worth honing in on.  I’m so lucky to be able to speak the importance of art into these sweet children’s lives!  Have a great weekend!





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