I love Halloween.  That’s no secret at all.  One of my all time greatest dreams is to go to or host an epic Halloween party, just like the one in Hocus Pocus.  Skeleton-clad musicians included.

Even though I’ve never been to a party that great–yet–I’ve  still had my fair share of awesome costumes.  Mostly because I have an awesome costume partner.  And, although most of our costumes were thrown together in the last minute, we still pulled them off.  It’s been a few years since we were costume clad for Halloween…one year I was hospitalized, the next Derek was working, and the years after that we had moved to Minot where our house was too small to host a party and none of our friends did either.


But.  But, but, but…that doesn’t mean that our most amazing {and infamous} costume has been forgotten.  Quite the opposite.  I do my fair share of Pinning, but 90% of the time when I’m notified that one of my Pins has been repinned…I see this.

DIY Spartan Cheerleaders Halloween Costume

Me, Derek, Spartan Cheerleader costumes.


Yes, it’s amazing, I know.


So I thought today, being October 1st–I’d revisit this costume.  The one that gets me so much buzz.


A friend recently told me that she found it on the top search results on Pinterest.  Last year a friend saw it featured on a blog…and today I was contacted by the associate editor of Huffington Post Weddings.  She wanted to run it in a feature about couple’s costumes.  You can read it here.  It’s called “18 Awesome Halloween Costumes for Couples Who Don’t Suck.”  So, I guess it’s official.  If you think we suck, you’re wrong.  The Huffington Post says otherwise.


Crazy, I know.


The craziest part is that we literally threw that costume together the day of Halloween for a party we’d just found out about.  We walked into the thrift store with a few basic ideas, and when we laid eyes on those atrocious, red, men’s pants, we knew we’d struck gold.  The white bands are cut up white T-shirts destined for the rag bin.  I cut the letters out of felt, and the whole ensemble is hot glued together.  Who know, way back then in Enid, OK we’d be making costume history?


We even quickly memorized one of the Spartan cheers, just in case.  But that never got performed in public, since the party turned out to be pretty lame.  {Especially for the types who don’t consume adult beverages…us.}


After all the moves, we still have the sweaters somewhere.  Just last year, I made Derek get rid of the pants.  He wore them curling.  I told him we could afford a pair that is new, and not bright red, or part of a gag.  I only hope they have found their way into the heart of another cheerleader…


If you are looking for costume inspiration this month, check out my Killer Costumes board on Pinterest, or the HuffPost article there are some seriously clever things in there {uhhh Butter and Paula Dean?!}


Happy Haunting.


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