I have something very exciting to tell you about.  It’s exciting for me, but mostly it’ll be exciting for the Practically Canadian followers out there.

A couple new services have been tacked on to my services menu.  And they are way fun.

Starting now.  Right now, The Art of Living Project is offering crafty classes for you and all your friends.  Now, what on earth could that mean?  Let me tell you.

I think lots of us can agree that crafting is super fun and awesome….and it only gets more awesome if you craft with friends.  And it gets even better if you don’t have to spend time gathering supplies or finding a tutorial.  And even more amazing if there was no Pinterest rage involved, because someone is there to help you complete a project that actually turns out the way it should and not on one of those “nailed-it” boards.

That’s where my crafty classes come in.  Right now I have 15 projects available to choose from–everything from Pottery Barn knock offs to wreaths-a-plenty.  Lots of others are on the way too.  Projects on the horizon include DIY mercury glass, all kinds of paper flowers, burlap runners, glass painting, lamp wiring!  So keep your eyes peeled and watch for new project postings.

class offerings

You pick a class, I get the supplies, you have fun, you end up with something awesome and a new skill.

botanical runner

The best part about this type of class is that you will leave with the understanding of how to create something.  For example, I offer a class that focuses on all kinds of burlap flowers.  You’ll leave with some cool stuff and the know-how to do it again…the next time you want to embellish a wreath, or package, you’ll be able to whip up a flower and brag to your friends.  It’s the whole teach-a-man-to-fish philosophy.  I’m really into that.


Not only is it a way fun way to spend an afternoon or evening, it’s a great way to learn something new, create unique gifts and become a DIY master.  After all…why should I be hoarding all the skills?


Oh…and if you and your cronies have found something that you are just dying to make…or have failed on before but would like to try again, all you have to do is get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to come up with a tutorial, gather supplies and plan a custom party just for you.


So, yeah.  I’m pretty excited.  And you should be too.  Because this just might turn out to be your new favorite Practically Canadian pass-time.




PS–I’m also working on an artillery of painting party designs.  Right now there is just one lonely painting in the gallery, but more are on the way!


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