Hi all–


I hope you had a very merry Thanksgiving and are gearing up for a very happy Christmas…wait–did I get that backwards?  Things of all kinds seem to be upside down and backwards right now.  The first of the winter holidays passed by in a blissful, pie-filled blur…my house is in that awkward teenage stage between fall decor and winter wonderland…I’m slowing down in the work department as I attempt to start tying up lose ends in Practically Canada before a move this spring…as usual, I’m pining to start a few new projects and I’m longing to write more….add it all up, and I’d say 2015 is coming to a fun-filled, mind rattling close.


Not to complain.  I really truly love this time of year.  {Cold winds and plastic on windows included.}  I like the process of winterizing the yard, stocking up on canned apple butter, kicking myself for not starting to craft up a gift storm sooner and even the satisfaction of a freshly shoveled–or snow blown–driveway.  It’s all pretty great.  Minus the windchill.  {Get it…MINUS the wind chill??  Because it’s usually in the negatives…Okay, so that one was a stretch.}


By far, one of my very favorite parts of this season–not including parties that allow me to wear a fancy dress and my once-a-year-dressy coat–or watching White Christmas and quoting nearly all of the lines–is taking Christmas photos.  I’ve always loved creating a fun photo for Christmas.  Yes, they are nearly always staged.  No, this probably isn’t Derek’s favorite part of the season.  Yes, I think they are adorable.  Yes, the only thing that has made it better is that for the past three years I’ve been able to share the set with others.


So in the days leading up to Thanksgiving I wrapped giant boxes and tracked down a Charlie Brown tree {thanks TC Nursery!!}.  I pulled the sled out of storage and stressed over what wrapping paper patters would look best with which ribbon.  It’s all leading up to this weekend’s Christmas mini session extravaganza!  And Derek–who truly proves himself to be my BFF and a selfless, loving husband over and over–not only tolerated the madness of our home, but loaded it all in the car on Sunday when we went to take some sample shots.  {Because I wasn’t sure I’d made enough props…in case you’re wondering…there’s plenty.}


Here’s what we got.

Christmas Card photos with vintage fire truck

We only posed with the fire truck because the other car is privately owned, and I’m already asking quite a bit to be borrowing it for two days next weekend.  And really, if I had another car in the mix we would have been there all day!  I am so pleased with the final result.  I think these are so much fun and can’t wait to see what adorable things will happen this weekend.

Christmas Card photos with vintage fire truck

Wondering what to wear for your Christmas photo this year?  Remember to take a look at this list of tips–or this one from last year.




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